The Open Borders Conference is about Community
Register now for our digital conference on October 29, 2022.
Register here for the 2022 Open Borders Conference. It is online on October 29th
Sometimes people ask, “What’s the point of the Open Border Conference? Why bother?” We get their point. In a world where people are deported every day, often back to poverty, it may seem beside the point to have a conference.
We disagree. Social change requires community. It also requires ideas. Right now, the average American is comfortable with the idea that preventing someone from peacefully seeking a better life is a good idea. The only way we can change hearts and minds is to form a community of our own. We need to make our arguments public and support each other. Only through mutual support can ever hope to encourage such a broad change in society which views immigrants with such suspicion.
So we invite you to join our community and sign up for the conference. We have two excellent speakers, Guerline Jozef of the Haitian Bridge Alliance and Chandran Kukathas, author of Immigration and Freedom. We will have three additional panels addressing issues like surveillance, activism, and the ethics of border control.
Click here to register. We hope to see you!